Haverkamp Ranch LLC

Heritage Ranch Operations Since 2022

Our Heritage Ranch 

Since 2022, we have owned and operated our Heritage Ranch on Corral Creek in Benton City, Washington.  Here, we bring up ages-old traditions with farming and animal husbandry.

We raise our family and animals with values and responsibility.  We take our farming and our ranch lives seriously and with love.  Despite all the hard work, we call our Ranch, our little slice of Heaven.  We love it here and think you will too.

On our Ranch, we farm alfalfa and raise animals ranging from horses to chickens and cattle.  We look forward to continuing our operations and connecting throughout the community in the coming years.

Happy Haverkamp Hens

Our ranch offers a variety of limited selection livestock and produce.  Stay tuned for updates and new offerings.  For more information, please reach out via email or social media for potential waitlist and order-only options.  

Our featured chickens are Amercaunas, Birchen Marans, Easter Eggers, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks.  We regularly offer table eggs, hatching eggs, and day-old chicks.  Our eggs range in colors from shades of blue, green, pink, and brown.  Varieties and options vary as production allows.  Waitlist and call-ahead order options available.

Our hens are sourced from reputable breeders and local sources.  We love our chickens!  


Contact us for more information.